Friday, April 19, 2013

Psycho African Bees

Despite being allergic to bees, I have been interested becoming a Bee Keeper for many years.  Last year for Fathers' Day my family generously gifted me a bee keeping kit.  It was too late in the year to order bees for my hive--I had to wait until this Spring to get them.   Several days ago, after much anticipation my bees finally came.  They arrived in a little wooden box, with the Queen protected in a special little box, inside the container. 

I have been studying bee keeping on line.  I learned and practiced the technique of introducing the Queen into the hive.  I was pretty anxious about the "big dump", which is essentially the process of dumping the small colony into the hive.  The on-line You Tube videos make this look pretty simple.  In reality, it was terrifying.  As instructed, I calmed my bees by spraying them with sugar water.  After settling them down, I attempted the "big dump."  My bees went crazy.  Instead of going into the hive, they swarmed me.  Apparently bees have a keen sense of smell.  I discovered in an horrific way bees most definitely can smell fear. 

After extricating myself from this seemingly life harrowing experience, I checked the wooden box my bees came in to make sure they weren't labeled "Psycho African Bees."

Later that night, I was at the Naches Ward building and ran into Stephanie Peterson, a Laurel in our stake who also happens to keep bees. I asked, "Hey Stephanie, what do you use to calm your bees?"   She responded, "I just smoke them with weed."   "Weed?  Really?" I mused.    Now there's some interesting advice.  I was curious about how I would get the weed, and what the legal repercussions might be.  Then it dawned on me, maybe she meant that she uses common field weeds to smoke her bees.  I inquired.  Sure enough, that's what meant. 

After my first encounter with my bees, I'm not sure common garden weeds will do the trick.  They might need something a little more potent to soothe their spirits.  Fortunately, we live in Washington State where weed  is now legal, so obtaining and using weed is not a legal problem.  The challenge is obviously a moral dilemma for me.  I am an officer of the court and have a reputation to uphold.  Furthermore (and most importantly), there is the likelihood I would not pass my next temple recommend interview.  So, what to do?  Place myself in mortal danger by exposure to Psycho African Bees, or reduce the anxiety in both my bees and myself by smoking a little weed in the back yard?  So, if you notice a glassy look in my eyes the next time you see me, you'll know how I resolved this dilemma. 

Don't worry.  In the end, I'm certain my confidence will grow with each bee encounter, and that the extreme anxiety which is producing the fear my bees are smelling will eventually evaporate.  Until then please send soothing thoughts my way. 

My first hive.

 I know they look calm here, but trust me these bees are totally psycho!

Novice Bee Keeper.
 My Greenhouse.
I am keeping the bees in my greenhouse for now because of the cold spring weather we are having.


Sydney said...

I'm beginning to think you are the psycho, not the bees. You are allergic to bees and you keep them as pets? Cray cray I say! But I can't wait to taste the honey! I will get you a gandalf sized pipe for your weed since I love ya so much.

Mindy said...

Beetle, has always wanted to get in to bee keeping-maybe it's in the blood! I'll take bees over turkeys. We drove through Yakima a couple of weeks ago, beetle tried calling you and Sheila both, but couldn't get a hold of you. It was 7:00 am ....kind of bad timing! Maybe next time :)

Rangi said...

Hey I was just catching up on some of your older posts. I have never balanced a check book or payed a bill either. Now I understand why I don't. I must also be part of the Bushido clan. Next time Sara complains about it I am sure this pitch about the Bushido will ease the tension, either that or it will land me on the couch. Most likely the latter.

Destiny said...

Give Chad a call. He would LOVE someone else to talk bees with. He always uses burlap in his smoker.

Destiny said...

Hilarious Darrell!!
One of the best things for a smoker is a hop sack cut into strips and rolled up. Light the bottom end and let it smolder in the smoker. Any burlap feed bag will do.
Sounds like you need help my friend. Give me a call any time if you like. I was much the same with my first bee adventure. Pretty exciting the first few times. Oh and you might get an epi pen. They can sting you through the suit. There's always one little devil with a sense of humor! -Chad 494-3141

Beetle said...

I was laughing so hard at this. I have watched many YouTube videos on bee keeping and they do make it look so easy. I have always wondered if it really was that easy, now I know. I am waiting for you to post some of your own bee keeping videos.

Julie said...

Thanks for a great laugh! If anyone is willing to put the work into taming some psycho bees it's you. I could come by and help the stake president counselor with smoking those bee comatose, anything for a friend ;)